
Course Duration: 2 years Course Level: A Level
History b -

Why study History?

  • It will give me an insight into the incredible variety of ways in which people have lived in the past and give me understanding of other cultures and lives.
  • It can teach me how to argue convincingly and how to spot the weaknesses in other people’s arguments.
  • I have an interest in the past and a willingness to find out more.
  • I enjoy carrying out research and extracting information from a variety of primary and secondary sources.
  • It will help me to understand how the modern world has been shaped by the past.

Course Overview

We study the AQA specification, which consists of three components: two examined topics and a coursework topic:

1C The Tudors: England 1485-1603 (examined): An opportunity to study a crucial period of change in England’s history: the reigns of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I; explore change and continuity in government, religion and ideas, society and economy, foreign relationships, and royal      authority.

2J America – A Nation Divided 1845-1877 (examined): Involves studying a period of history in depth:   investigate the origins of the American Civil War, the course of the war itself, and its aftermath; incorporates issues such as slavery, abolitionism, and civil rights.

Non-examined assessment (coursework) Russia 1855-1964 (coursework): Carry out supported       independent research in order to write an extended essay answering a question about this period of Russian history; study the Russia of the later tsars, the Russian Revolution, Stalin’s Russia, and the Khrushchev years.

(A second coursework option, on the topic of women’s rights in the twentieth century, is under development and is likely to be on offer in 2022-23.)


A-level History is a well-regarded qualification which provides a strong foundation not only for the further study of History but also for many other university degrees (politics or law, for instance). It is particularly useful as a preparation for careers which require critical thinking, such as law, management or journalism. History is also the obvious route into museum – and heritage-related careers.

What subjects go well with History?

Students at SSFC study A-level History in combination with a variety of other subjects. English Literature and History complement each other well, with their emphasis on the skills of analysis, evaluation and extended argument. Students also combine History with social science subjects such as Sociology or Law. Some students enjoy studying History alongside sciences, especially Biology and Chemistry; they find that the different skill set required in History enables them to develop greater academic breadth.

Entry requirements

The study of History requires good literacy (reading and writing) skills, so a grade 5 or above in English is strongly recommended. A similarly good grade in GCSE History is preferred, along with good grades in other essay-based subjects. Students are able to study A-level History without having studied the subject at GCSE (perhaps because the subject option was not available at their school), in which case very good grades (at least 6) in English and other essay-based subjects are strongly recommended.

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